- Found within gabbro as small clusters
Wikipedia article
This article is about an older version of DF.
Tanzanite is a semi-valuable gems that can be found in metamorphic layers as well as within gabbro.
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Occurs in metamorphic layers per this: http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/amber/go336/berg/tanzanite.html
Of course, it should also be really rare, because it only occurs in one part of the world.
[ENVIRONMENT:METAMORPHIC:CLUSTER_SMALL:100] Changed to any metamorphic instead of gabbro only.
[SOLID_DENSITY:3350] Range of about 3200 - 3400
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Ornamental (2☼-15☼) | Agates | |
Feldspars | |
Jades | |
Jaspers | |
Opals | |
Quartzes | |
Tourmalines | |
Semi-Precious (20☼-30☼) | Beryls | |
Chrysoberyls | |
Garnets | |
Grossulars | |
Opals | |
Zircons | |
Tourmalines | |
Spinels | |
Precious (40☼) | |
Rare (60☼) | |
See also: Diamond • Glass • Stone |