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40d:Pregenerated worlds

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Revision as of 16:11, 1 February 2008 by Fedor (talk | contribs) ((shorted my text))
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Pregenerated worlds are worlds that have been created and uploaded for use by others, so they may skip world generation, and are independent of versionv0.27.169.33g. Seeds are numbers that tell the world generator which world to create. These are usually given for particularly good locations, or for quick generating time. Below is a list of worlds and seeds that users have made, along with any interesting locations. Feel free to share and add to the list.

World generation changes

Versions and changed the way world generation works slightly, so seeds from earlier versions will generate different worlds; these are archived at Seed archive. Random and custom names do not affect world generation. However, modifications to your raw files before world generation could cause a different world to be generated.

Downloadable worlds

Downloadable worlds are worlds which have been generated and then compressed into a single archive file for sharing over the internet. Download the file then extract the folder inside the archive into your /data/save folder in order to use it.

The Absolute Planet of Dawns

Direct download available here: The Absolute Planet of Dawns
Wold offers a wide range of fortress locations, from mountain canyons to haunted glaciers to resource-rich forests, each with (non-spoily) description and location map.

(version v0.27.169.33g, seed 2664204674, provided by Fedor)

Lathondur Minbaz

Direct download available here: Lathondur Minbaz

The Legendary Ever-Realm

Download: http://hyperfileshare.com/d/f91fae26


Has pretty much every feature in a small 4x5 area.
- Magma on lower left
- Small cave river on lower left
- Edge of chasm on far upper left corner
- Pits & Adamantine on upper left
- Sand and trees on far right green tile
- Plenty of flux and iron for steel production
- Representatives of all four major rock types:
1. sedimentary - dolomite, claystone
2. igneous extrusive - andesite
3. igneous intrusive - granite, gabbro
4. metamorphic - marble, schist

Smata Sagus, The Realms Of Dawn

Download it here Seed: 324316224 (6 rejects)
Made in Dwarf Fortress v0.27.169.33g, created with a Core 2 Duo processor in WinXP. Found using the wonderful Regional Prospector.

Smata Sagus location.png

This is a loaded 3x6 location with basically every major resource. No chasm, cliffs are no taller than 2, surroundings are Temperate and Mirthful.
If you don't need a river, you can trim it to 3x5 by taking off the bottom edge and still get everything else.

  • Adamantine: towards the bottom left.
  • Magma: underground, located on layers 140-143.
  • River: a small curve of it in the lower right corner.
  • Trees: More than you'll ever use.
  • Sand: Yep.
  • Soil: Yep.
  • Iron: Magnetite patches near the surface, along with an occasional hematite and limonite vein.
  • Flux: More than you'll ever use.
  • Fuel: Plenty.
  • Bauxite: Several patches near the magma.
  • Obsidian: Available on the left side.
  • Neighboring Civs: All.

Ruspospazmon, The Eternal Windy Planes

Download it here
Seed: 2851906008 (11 rejects)
Made in Dwarf Fortress v0.27.169.33g, created with a Core 2 Duo processor in WinXP. Found using the wonderful Regional Prospector.

Ruspospazmon location.png

This is a 4x3 location with most major resources. No chasm, cliffs are very tall (6-9), surroundings are Scorching and Calm. There is a small spot of aquifer, just enough to be potentially useful while still out of the way.
If you need a river, you can expand the selection north to include some river fingers and possibly west to also include a stretch of normal river. This will likely include more aquifer though.

  • Adamantine: towards the bottom left.
  • Magma: underground, located on layers 140-143.
  • River: only if you expand the area slightly.
  • Aquifer: There's a tiny area of it towards the top left on a few levels.
  • Trees: Yep.
  • Sand: Yep.
  • Soil: Yep.
  • Iron: Yes, towards the top and middle.
  • Flux: Yep.
  • Fuel: Yep.
  • Neighboring Civs: All.

Emeecamo Ametha, The Eternal Universe of Wind

Download it here
Seed: 2135737780 (6 rejects)
Made in Dwarf Fortress v0.27.169.33g, created with a Core 2 Duo processor in WinXP. Found using the wonderful Regional Prospector.

Emeecamo Ametha location.png

This is a nice 3x3 (or potentially 2x2) location with almost all major resources. No chasm or sand available, cliffs are no higher than 1 (!), surroundings are Scorching and Untamed Wilds. The brook has a semi-waterfall where it drops 1 Z-level, causing a somewhat odd scene.
If you don't need a river or as many trees, you could actually make it a 2x2 area instead with all other resources by cutting off the bottom and right edges.

  • Adamantine: in the middle.
  • Magma: Upper left corner, the top is fully open to the ground.
  • River: Yes, with a waterfall.
  • Trees: Limited, but enough to make do.
  • Soil: Yep.
  • Iron: Plenty.
  • Flux: More chalk than you could ever need.
  • Fuel: Plenty.
  • Bauxite: Some, check bottom middle of map one level below the lone hill.
  • Neighboring Civs: All.

Emeecamo Ametha location2.png

This is another nice location in this world. It is 5x3 with almost all major resources. No chasm, bauxite, or sand available. Cliffs progress up a few levels from left to right, surroundings are Warm and Calm. The magma vent is underground but only 2 levels deep.
There is so much iron here (many many magnetite clusters) that you'll practically get sick of it. There seem to be more diamonds scattered around here than normal as well.

  • Adamantine: upper right corner.
  • Magma: lower right corner, underground. Only on levels 148-149, so unfortunately very shallow.
  • River: Yes, a small river bend in the upper left corner.
  • Trees: Not overabundant, but not scarce either.
  • Soil: Yep.
  • Iron: Massive amounts; good luck making a dent in it.
  • Flux: Take your pick between dolomite and chalk, tons of each.
  • Fuel: Limited amounts of lignite, mostly in the upper levels on the left side.
  • Obsidian: Plenty of it in the upper left corner at the higher z-levels.
  • Neighboring Civs: All.


Seeded worlds are special "codes" which tell the game's pseudo-random number generator (a sophisticated mathematical function which produces numbers that seem random) where to begin generating a world. Because the random number generator is actually just a mathematical function and thus always produces the same result when given a certain input, you can "seed" the generator to produce an entire series of random numbers on another computer that are exactly the same as they were originally produced on the first computer.

To use a seeded world, select Create a New World during the main menu, then hit s to specify a seed. Type in the seed and hit Enter, then hit Enter one more time to begin generation. It will still take the normal amount of time to generate the world, and you will still have rejects before the world is produced.

The random seed used also determines the world's name if a random name is selected. This disrupts the sequence of psudeorandom numbers. As a consequence, a seed with a player-given name will result in a completely different world than the same seed with a random name. Seed publishers should specify whether a random or a given name was selected when generating the world.

Mineral content is determined at the time it is allocated, (essentially when you dig near it). Accordingly the map seed determines the layers and therefore the probability of certain rocks/ores, but the ore veins themselves will vary.

A further warning: there may be other things that affect world generation, such as your operating system. If you generate a world different from one described here, with exactly the same seed, please mention it with the relevant details (operating system including any service packs, processor type, and game version) on the talk page.

The following seeds were generated with version or later. Seeds for earlier versions are located at the seed archive.

Quick generating seeds

Chicken Seed: #389311515


Only one reject. The location shown above has some magma right next to a brook... Lots of trees and plants, and plenty of sand. If you don't feel like you need the hills to the south, you can shrink the area a bit, there's nothing much else down that way.

Seeds and locations with many features (may run slower on older computers)

Seed # 1999 "Prince's Revolutionary Party" seed

33g seed 1999.png

4x6 map (39 rejects) Features:

  • brook
  • extensive cliffs
  • magma lake surrounded by a lot of obsidian
  • adamantium & pits with some bauxite to the east
  • small chasm
  • forested tiles
  • hematite (not a lot. Major steel production will require narrow iron shipments)
  • flux (some marble, a lot of chalk)
  • sand
  • soil
  • underground river with a waterfall into a mini-chasm
  • abundant copper, a good bit of silver/gold, and some platinum/aluminum
  • temperate climate
  • access to all civs
  • rock crystals are on the map but scarce, so consider trading for fey mood use.

Thanks to 0x517A5D for his Regional Prospector utility.
Troas 10:55, 28 January 2008 (EST)

Seed # 264622237

This seed has 1 decent starting location, with the posibility of war with the local Kobolds, and one really good one with a cave and a cyclops and 12 giant spiders.

Volcano 1:

V 33g Seed 264622237 Volcano 1.png

This location has Magma in the top middle, pits in the bottom middle (sometimes gets cut off, extend down one if it does it to you), chasm in the lower left, and iron + flux all over.

This map contains no flowing water in spite of the river shown. It does not exist, I checked. Your best bet would be to use the infinate water bug to create a lake, and keep control of it with a floodgate.

There is also no sand at all. Sorry folks, you gotta import glass.

Finally, there are no trees. For some bizarre reason, when I loaded the whole map, every last tile, it had trees everywhere, but if I cut anything off, the trees vanished. Your results may vary as this is odd IMO.

Volcano 2:

V 33g Seed 264622237 Volcano 2.png

Now this location is nice. It's kinda cold, so bring a jacket.

You have unguarded magma in the upper left corner. Go for it as soon as you can make steel.

Lower-middle right you will have the caves. Many enemies there. Careful though, they are just a warm up! Directly below you have a pit and adamantine. Also, the majority of the iron is around the caves, so you will have to fight for it.

Just to the left of the caves, a level or 2 above the pits is an underground lake. It's not infinate, but it should last you, plus there are many lakes around, and when they freeze, they refill. You shouldn't be hurting for water for a while.

There is sand scattered around all over. If that wasn't enough with the magma, there is more sand on the shore of the underground lake. Can we say dwarven catapults throwing stones from glass houses? Heh heh heh.

Lots of farmable soil, but no indigenous plants to speak of. Build a shack and farm indoors early on till you can get other kinds of seeds.

Flux? Nope. Sorry. Import what you can, bring steel if you can. Wood? Ain't got that either. Get your magma smelter and glass furnace up fast so you can start producing trade goods. Without them you won't be able to import the wood you need for coal and flux for steel. Iron supplies as I said are mostly guarded by the Cyclops and crew as well. This could be a challenge for you, but there is plenty of copper and cassiterite to go around, import some tin, and combine it with some bismuth and you can have a cheap bronze as well.

All in all, I like the second one better of the 2. Both have nice features, but are missing key items. This was generated in .33g, and it seems that seeds were broken again. Hopefully more people come out with their seeds soon :) --Chthon 19:46, 23 December 2007 (EST)

Seed #223885 - Pretty much what I have been waiting for


In a 5x8 area you can get chasm, magma, adamantite, cave lake, brook, flux, sedimentary layer, sand and trees. Alternatively you could fit all the above except cave lake to only 5x2. The selection in the picture was chosen to have more chalk in the area.

--Elmokki 07:41, 25 December 2007 (EST)

The Realm of Forever Start Seed #3094533934

The Realm of Forever Start 3094533934.png

Ok, I cheated and used Sekret Projekt but hey! Look what I found!

River: Check

Magma: Well damn, someone just pointed out to me that the ~ was blue not red. I hadn't noticed. No magma here unfortunately :(

Iron: Lots of magnetite, check

Flux: Check and double check

Sand: Aww, none here

Adamantine and Pits: They're here too, check

Chasm: There's the end of one far to the east, so check.

Coal: Well, we have lignite, lots of lignite. Does that count? Check.

Trees: The whole SE is covered in them, check.

Can't get much better than this guys. Oh yeah, there was a Giant Cave Swallowman, about 10 Troglodites, 8 Naked Mole Dogs, and a giant mole just south of where I started. I'd get traps up stat if I were you.

Nothing else follows. --Chthon 11:30, 25 December 2007 (EST)

The Cyclopean Planet of Tempests Seed #697480228

The Cyclopean Planet of Tempests 697480228 Start.png

Ok, I swear this one is good. I double checked it even.

River: Nothing at all above ground, seek the cave river (not shown, center of the map with a chasm at the north end under the magma) or the Cave lake at the far north

Magma: Just south of the cave lake, at the same Z-level even.

Adamantine: Lots of it. The upper parts are very shallow in the south, but you have at least 5 Z-levels before you uncover the pits. I estimate about 50 tiles of easily minable Adamantine ore before you release the demons.

Flux: Lots of Marble. I mean lots. If you are in marble in the south, you are near the adamantine.

Iron: No magnetite, but quite a few hematite veins higher up. Don't dig too deep or you will miss them.

Chasm: One at the end of the cave river, but that's it.

Sand: Still no sand. For all you glass lovers; Sorry, keep looking.

Coal: None, sorry but burnables are lacking on this map. Import what you need for iron. It's cheap anyways.

Trees: A few. Seriously, it's not a lot, but it'll keep you going.

Hunting: If you want to train up some crossbowmen and at the same time find food, this area is home to Hoary Marmots. Eat up!

Final notes: This has a more traditional cliff face look to it. It faces south with the high ground on the north. It's narrow, but I like it. All the major features but the pits are towards the middle Z-levels, so be careful you don't dig in from the bottom.

--Chthon 13:18, 25 December 2007 (EST)

Just another seed, I thought wold be nice (1291184248, v.33g)


About features:

  • brook
  • magma pipe
  • adamantium (near lower left)
  • chasm (two of them, actually)
  • heavy forested tiles
  • hematite (a lot of it)
  • magnetite (at least one big cluster)
  • bituminous coal (not that much as hematite, but still)
  • flux (marble, lower right)
  • sand (alongside brook, not much)
  • bauxite (level 144, to left of magma)
  • warm climate
  • most dangerous animals - wolves
  • access to all civs

Starting in the F2 biome will give you almost ideal starting position near the cliff wall, surrounded by trees, with a couple of nearby pools for your fish lovers (turtles, yay!).

A tiny but interesting location. Seed 1

0x517A5D seed1 3x2 hard.PNG

The aquifer does not cover the whole map; the haunted area doesn't either.
I, of course, use my Regional Prospector utility.
0x517A5D 15:15, 30 December 2007 (EST)

Doubleplusgood Seed #3480279584


This is a rather cozy 5x4 area, it has all the basics, except for sand and surface river.

  • A ridiculous amount of adamantite (at least 3 levels of demon-free ore for a total of 215 units, 3 more levels with stairs (looks cool) away from the pits with probably at least twice that amount - i counted nearly 150 in a single level, and it got denser further down... the stairs connected to the pits themselves which don't have that much adamantite, maybe a hundred more or so. That's a lot!
  • Magma pocket thingy (underground, doesn't extend all the way to the bottom either. about 4 levels high)
  • Underground river
  • A big cave lake (exposed)
  • Some magnetite (single level, only one of 'em big round glob cluster things)
  • Plenty of vegetation
  • Round chasm
  • Many ores, like copper and gold
  • Tons (and I mean TONS) of limestone. Literally half the map.
  • Tons of obsidian if you care about that. Literally, the other half of the map.
  • If you need charcoal just burn the damn trees.

It's possible that you can find more iron ore if you extend the map to the east, north and or/south.Sergius 00:13, 5 January 2008 (EST)

Jackpot Seed: #7777777

6 rejects, made on Vista with version 33g.


Very nice location with damn near everything in an average-size region.

  • Sand: In the bottom-left swamp area, also some at the top-middle.
  • Trees & Plants: Yes.
  • Flux: Some limestone up at the top-middle. Extend north to get more.
  • Iron Ore: Should be a big splotch of magnetite up in the limestone.
  • River: Above and below ground.
  • Adamantine: Yes.
  • Chasm: Yes.
  • Magma: Yes; only four layers, though.
  • Rock: All four types.
  • Neighboring Civs: All four.

Only thing it doesn't have is a cave lake. If it's too big, you can remove the right column for no adamantine, the bottom row for no magma, the left column for less trees, or the top row for less/very little flux... I'd reccommend zilching the left column, there's a few trees up in the Flux biome.--Untelligent 15:17, 6 January 2008 (EST)

Near-Perfect Seed?


120 rejects, made on XP with 33g.


This location can be extended another row to the North to greatly increase the number of trees.

  • Trees & Plants: Heavily forested, thick shrubs
  • Flux: Unknown
  • Ore: All but platinum
  • Water: Brook, underground lake + river, lake is exposed
  • Adamantine: Yes
  • Chasm: Yes
  • Magma: Yes, exposed
  • Neighboring Civs: Unknown, believed to be all

Everything Seed 3x8 or 2x8 (1437770750)

1437770750 3x8.jpg

This location has everything located in a 3x8 or a 2x8 if you remove the brook. It has lava, demons, an underground river, lots of flux & magnetite, bauxite, lots of sand, trees, plants & ogres. It also has a medium-sized 3-ZLevel aquifer in the middle of the map. The river seems to be frozen during winter time and it does not have very steep cliffs (only 5 ZLevels from the highest point). (found with 0x517A5D's wonderful Regional Prospector w/ lava in the region map) --Polpoint 00:31, 20 January 2008 (EST)


Rating 40d:Pregenerated worlds