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For the legends of Dathaecamo
The story of the fort Zanegshelret
I am Imush Taronsolon, this is my story

“Imush Taronsolon come forth.” The instructor called out. Nervously, I stood up from the line of my fellow classmates and walked up to the podium. “Let this be proof of your talents,” He began as he handed me a scroll, “and training that you underwent at this academy. May it be a proper accounting of oneself and may you ever prosper in your endeavors. You have succeeded where many have flattered and may your future represent that, congratulations.” I walked back to my seat stunned, was the scroll red? As I sat down I looked at it again. Yes it was, different from the usual tan scrolls. Breaking the wax seal, displaying the pick and sword emblem of the school, I peered at the writing. Flabbergasted I read how I placed third in my class, 86 dwarves total, and the glowing complements of my instructors. It further described how easily I took to challenges, my excellent mining abilities, told about my well designed fortress plan, everything. I sat back and the rest of the graduation ceremony went by in a blur. One of the dwarves next to me nudged me bringing me back to the ceremony. “Special announcement.” He muttered. I thanked him and turned my attention back to the dwarf on stage, noticing another dwarf that hadn’t been there before. “Would the following students please report to room E-5.” The instructor rattled off five names ending with mine. “Class, you are dismissed.” With a huzza the graduates began filing towards the exits eager for a night of drinking and partying, and more drinking. I struggled through the crowd to the corridor and walked to the classroom. Five dwarves were already there, however, I was the first of my classmates. One by one they filed in with the headmaster bringing up the rear of the students. He looked over us with pride. “I have gathered you here today to give you a chance to jump start the rest of your lives. Each of these dwarves I have with me has a proposition for each of you. Starting your own forts, a privilege allowed to few.” I again was stunned. I had aspired to this but never expected to reach this point, the leader of an expedition. Some of my fellow classmates had surprised expressions as well, though one had an arrogant look. Never liked that smug bastard anyway. We gradually split up as the expedition assigners would choose a dwarf and take them to other classrooms. Mine led me to the classroom next door. “I’m Dastot, a member of the explorers guild. I’ve had my eye on you for awhile now, that fort plan of yours was interesting.” “Th-thank you sir.” I stuttered out. He just smiled and drew me over to a portfolio for my briefing. Two hours later I left smiling, making a mental checklist of who and what to bring.

A month later We are finally on the road to our location. With me I have five of my friends from the academy. Stukos Koganlar a miner and leatherworker, Lir Fikodetes our carpender and wood cutter, Alath Asomamgoz our mason, Mish Udiblashed our metalsmith, and Obok Gethkib our farmer, cook, and brewer. We also had another assigned to us, a fellow named Zan Likotgamil. His specialty is glass work but he is more or less a jack of all trades when it comes to crafting. We will have to see how this turns out.

Year 1[edit]

Spring, 228

1st Granite
We have finally arrived at our destination and it is gorgeous. A mountain edge rises up out of a thick forest with minerals lavishly exposed to the open air. Looking around we found a small cave that contained a lava pool but we didn’t hang around because we heard the giggling of fire imps, nasty little bastards from what I hear. That lava will be very useful though because we saw many caravans worth of magnetite exposed that will provide us with more than enough iron to see us through the coming year, never mind what is not exposed and underground. I must go for we have much work to do.

21st Granite
Work is going slow but the tunnels are progressing. We have beds and a place to sleep in, we nearly have farming areas dug out and a workshop area and adjoining stockpiles are next on the list. Must go, still to much to do.

22nd Felsite
Everyone was on edge about a fire imp that wandered out of its lava pool and was hanging around on the other side of the cliff face we’ve been working on. I went over to check it out when it attacked. The damn thing tried to scratch me but I managed to side step and knocked it out with my pick, after that I took my time lining up my pick with its head. Damn thing won’t be bothering us anymore.

1st Hematite
Taking a break from mining I stand outside and feel the warm air that heralds summer. Food storage is now dug out, as well as most of our stockpile rooms. Right now Stukos and I are working on the dining room while Obok is working of our first fresh barrels of alcohol for awhile. We were getting close to running out but we won’t go thirsty for a long time yet.

11th Hematite
Most of the primary digging is done. Our primary focus is getting loose stone out from the needed areas and bedrooms dug out. The workshop area is a bit more haphazard then I would have liked but you must deal with what you are given, we needed the work done. In other news a kobold thief tried to get in but Alath spotted the bugger, to bad the dogs aren’t trained to fight well yet.

21st Hematite
Winy yells and barks sound from near the trade depot. Rushing to the spot I found the mangled and torn body of another kobold thief that had been killed by our two dogs. Only one of them had been injured thankfully, a shallow slice on its front right leg. Maybe I was too hasty in my initial judgment of the dogs. Smirking I began cleaning up the body parts the fighting had left behind and haul them outside to the refuse pile.

Summer, 228

1st Malachite
While hauling stones to the dump I stopped as I remembered something important. There was no clear path for the Autumn caravan! Huridly I dropped my stone and went to find Lir. Spotting him in the food stockpile I walked over to him and told him what needed to be done. He grumbled a bit saying something about being on break but he roused himself from his drinking and set to the task.

21st Malachite
The path is now clear, winding around a set of pools. Unfortunately we have not the dwarf power to build a road but that shall come later, right now we need to focus on digging out the rooms for us and the immigrants we will doubtless be receiving soon. Hopefully the caravan won’t be put off by the uninspiring silty clay we had to dig through first before we struck rock. That clay will have to be built over down the line.

11th Galena
Summer is nearing its end and along with that the digging for the rooms. We are nearly digging our own cozy little rooms and the general space saving bedrooms for other dwarves, we even have a set of larges rooms dug out for a noble.

Autumn, 228

1st Limestone
The leaves are turning on the trees outside and the breeze has taken a cool bite to it. Autumn be upon us. I’m sure that the dwarven caravan will come soon with some needed supplies.

10th Limestone
“The caravan!” Zan called out rushing back from hauling rubbish outside. “The caravan is not more than a few days journey out!” The dwarves gave a resounding cheer and hustled off to bring the trade goods, mostly grey gneiss mugs, to the depot. Smiling I rushed off to help. Later I fell asleep wondering what surprises the caravan might bring.

16th Limestone
I met with the traders today who are in a good mood. I haggled with them, inexperienced admittedly, but I feel that we got a good deal. We got a few ropes, more food, a caged dog, some alcohol, and a bag of cave wheat seeds. Afterwards I bid the traders good bye and noticed the liaison waiting off to the side, I’m about to meet with him in the dinning room as we haven’t carved out an office for me yet.

19th Limestone
One of the caravan guards poked his head into the dinning room where the liaison and I were discussing trade terms. “Just letting you know two kobold thieves showed up.” He said. “What happened to them?” I asked concerned, there were still goods strewn about and I was worried that it might have gotten away. The guard grinned. “What do ye think happened?” He said laughing as he waved the bloody bolt he was carrying. “Your dogs got both of them in the end though. We’ve taken to calling the lad Casathadena and the lass Snogingstongun.” Watchlens, I thought, a good name for the male though Lanterngill? An odd name for anything but I suppose it references the light that revels the hidden. “Thank you, you may go.” The guard left laughing about stupid kobolds. “You really don’t think the kobold would have gotten away from the guards did you?” Sodel, the Liaison, asked. I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. “Well this is my big chance and I was afraid of having our reputation tarnished so soon.” I replied. The liaison waved a meaty hand. “Don’t concern yourself about it, we should get back to these records.” And the meeting continued.

8th Sandstone
The others have been muttering about another fire imp that has decided to play outside its lava, nearer than the last. I went over the hill and crept up one side. I peeked over and saw its back towards me, totally oblivious to my presence. With a roar I leapt over and smashed its leg so hard that when it fell it cut its right arm open and was knock out. It was an easy matter to smash its head in like the last one.

10th Sandstone
While working to expand the bedrooms we stumbled upon a magnetite cluster. From what I’ve learned these clusters are quite large and with the chalk we’ve recently found we can make steel. I will have to accelerate our work for forges but mining out this cluster takes precedent. Also the caravan and Liaison have left. I bid them a fond farewell and they promised to tell others all about our fort. To be honest I’m not sure if that is a good thing.

21st Timber
Smashing through the last pillar of magnetite I grinned at Stukos. “We’re finally done.” I gasped as sweat beaded off me from the exertion of the days mining. “Aye, good job.” She replied leaning on her pick exusted as well. “Shall we get a drink before working on the magma workshop area?” “Sounds like a good idea to me.” I said as I hoisted my pick to my shoulder. When we reached the top I called out to Nish. “Oi get some temporary metalsmithing going in the workshop area while we work on the magma workshop area. We need a few things before we connect the magma.” “I’ll get it done.” He hurried off.

Winter, 228

9th Moonstone
We’re digging around to find some bauxite for use with the magma. If we don’t build the safety system out of the right materials then we could have a big problem on our hands.

12th Moonstone
Dogs found three more kobold thieves and killed them.

10th Opal
A horrible stench filled the air near the trade depot. Apparently everyone was to busy hauling stone to actually finish cleaning up the dead kobolds… Needless to say we finished cleaning that filth up pretty quickly. 25th Opal Preparations for the magma are almost done and I’ve designated many trees to be cut down for our empty wood stockpile.

14th Obsidian
Two fire imps stumbled into the stone-fall traps and died. We could have been in huge trouble there since no one saw them coming.

27th Obsidian
I have taken care of the last fire imp that we know of. I did a similar tactic from last time. Now we can use the lava in peace.

Year 2[edit]

Spring, 229

10th Granite
“Is everything ready?” I call out to Nish and Zan. “Aye, everything is sealed up tight.” Nish answered. “We probably don’t even need to worry using the floodgate in the first place. I shrugged as I reach for the bauxite lever, one of the few materials safe for magma related things, and rested my hand on it. “Pulling!” I shouted and gave the lever a tug. With a whir of mechanisms the lever smoothly followed my hand. We rushed down a level to the magma workshop area and pulled the stone covering a peephole aside. We were greeted by the sight of the magma slowly passing the bauxite floodgate after going through the iron grate designed to keep any magma dwelling creatures out. “I’ll keep an eye on things here.” Nish said clapping me on the shoulder. “It will take awhile for the magma to get to the right level. Nodding I relinquished the peephole to him and went about the other tasks that needed my attention.

11th Granite
Elven traders were seen on the horizon. I don’t think they will have much that will be of use but I’m not going to let my follow dwarf’s opinions on these tree folk influence me.

16th Granite
“Hello!” I called out to the elven traders as I walked to the trade depot. One turned to greet me while the other continued to unload their donkeys. “Greetings. I am Mawada and my companion is Idala.” She said bowing. “And I am Imush.” I signaled the other dwarves and they began hauling our trade goods to the depot. Mawada studied the dwarves. “Forgive me for asking but has something happened recently? I know that this is a new fort but I thought there are usually more dwarves this far in.” “No, we have not suffered any mishaps. Well other than the annoyance of some fire imps from the near by lava pool but those are gone, three of them by my own pick.” I showed her the slightly melted point of my pickax. She raised an eyebrow. “Well, do you mind if we have a tour of your fort?” Surprised but not to be ungracious I answered. “Of course.” And so I lead them through our complex showing them the farm, our workshops, the bed rooms, and the huge room of mined out magnetite which had barely been disturbed. “But this means that trees would be cut down.” She looked at me. “We do not take kindly to such things as that.” “Ah.” I raised my finger. “But I saved the most important for last, you forget that level we passed on the way down here. I brought here to the magma workshop area and gave them a glimpse through our peekhole to the magma. The magma in the tunnels would soon be high enough to use. “By using the magma we cut down fewer trees and thus preserve our forests for longer than many forts.” I explained to them. Mawada turned to me. “Truly you have thought of everything.” She exclaimed, face beaming. “I’m sorry for having doubted you.” I waved my hands before me. “No need to apologies.” “Still I am amazed that only seven dwarves were able to make this much progress.” “Aye, most forts can’t get stable forge works set up until the second or third year.” I said shuffling my feet unused to such praise. “’e graduated at the top of his class to at the academy.” Lir called out. “”e is a masterplaner that one.” “Well I must say congratulations on that. But now we should be down to matters that concern both our profits.” As we walked back I was glad that my bear covered my blush. In the end we traded for a few different seed bags, a few bloated tubers, a bin of cloth, a barrel of pickle berry wine, two cages, and a few old logs of wood.

7th Slate
The lava tunnels are finally nearly full and as such I gave the order to close the floodgate. Once we finished the current logging operation we will start up the forge works. In other news the elves have left in good spirits, I’m sure that we will have favorable trading next we meet.

1st Slate
I have begun the arduous task of updating our stockpile records. We are more or less waiting for immigrants to arrive so this seems the perfect time to do it while there is a lull. The magma workshops have been set up and soon we will have metal bars rolling off the production line.

9th Felsite
Finally, some immigrants have been spotted to the east. We will finally get some much needed help.

12th Felsite
As the last dwarf comes in I end the count at 25 dwarves. I’m ecstatic; we have needed a lot of help around here. However now I have the task of figuring out who needs to become military. I do not like the idea of having to assign such a task yet to make sure we are protected it must be done. We also have begun digging towards a lignite vein, an important fuel source that will be quite useful.

15th Felsite
I have finished the difficult task of assigning dwarves. I had them assemble in the dinging room and gave them the news. Thankfully most took it in stride. Unfortunately we won’t have a good amount of steel for weapons and armor for another season.

Summer, 229

2nd Hematite
The lignite vein has been dug out with at least 50 units dug out.

16th Hematite
A human caravan was sighted and I’m embarrassed to say that we haven’t been making any gods for trading. We still have some of the loots from the failed kobold thieves but little else. I’ve taken Zan off lignite processing to work on crafts.

4th Malachite
I finally got to trade with the humans today. They were rather irritated about being ignored for so long but when I explained our situation they became friendly again. I managed to trade for some much needed bags, a bin of leather, food, and some alcohol.

27th Malachite
Our workload I so great that I’ve taken two squads off duty to help out.

Autumn, 229

8th Limestone
Work has been processing well, the lignite has been process and we’re in the middle of filling up our wood stockpiles again. Thing is Lir started acting strangely, skipping about babbling about creating something. I’ve heard of such things moods they call them, supposedly sent by the gods. But I’ve also heard about the consequences of a failed mood…

9th Limestone
Seems that we have all the materials that Lir needed, he only grabbed 2 logs. I just hope that he will come out alright.

11th Limestone
Lir has come out of the workshop tired, but alive. He made a beautifully carved oaken floodgate called Thabumondin, or Gulffaded.

14th Limestone
The dwarven caravan has been spotted on the horizon. We’ll get a warm reception ready for them. In other news we are almost ready to start mass producing iron and our wood stockpile is half full.

15th Limestone
We traded for some alcohol, bags, a bin of jaguar leather that we ordered, and food. Later that night we had a feast to celebrate how far the fort has come and invited the caravan.

21st Sandstone
Migrants were spotted coming from the east, I will have to take a break and meet with them when they arrive.

23rd Sandstone
It’s a small group this time, only 10. Among them were another marksdwarf and another metal crafter, I plan on releasing some of the peasants and have these two fill the spots. On the bright side we now have another mason, a much needed job, and he can engrave as well. I look forward to seeing our halls smoothed out and eventually engraved. In the end we now have 42 dwarves living here, quite a bustling place this has become in less than two years.

Winter, 229

12th Moonstone
Smelting operations have been slowed down in order to allow us to perfect our traps. Zan is busy making serrated disks, very sharp little buggers, in order to make some weapon traps.

21st Moostone
Recently a goblin snatcher was caught in a cage trap yet that trap was never reloaded, partially because Alath and I were to busy working on the weapon traps to bother. However apparently many more have been trying to get in because we keep finding the same stone-fall trap triggered, it seems as often as we refill it its triggered. I have now corrected the error of the cage trap and the weapon traps proceed.

19th Opal
Defenses are nearly done and Zan has been assigned back to working the forges. Once we can get the first round of pig iron made we can make steel and start making some weapons and armor.

26th Obsidian
Kobuk, one of our squad leaders, has given birth to a healthy baby girl. I hope that the child will go use as such things are uncertain for a military dwarf and I can’t spare her at this point. In other news steel bars are finally being produced and a training regimen is being written up.

Year 3[edit]

Spring, 230

1st Granite
Three years… It has been three trying years since we have started this fort and it is a peaceful place. As if to commemorate it Iton, another squad leader, has been taken by a similar mood as Lir was before. I hope things turn out as well as before.

3rd Granite
After rushing about and singing Iton has begun work on whatever it is she is making. She grabbed a few units of stone, an uncut lace agate, and some of our imported jaguar leather and claimed the craftdwarf workshop. This should turn out ok.

5th Granite
This could be disastrous. Somehow Iton was pregnant and has given birth to a baby girl but she is not herself and won’t take care of the baby. I can only hope that this artifact is finished soon.

7th Granite
Finally Iton has finished her artifact and was reunited with her child. The artifact in question was a beautiful gneiss bracelet with an image of a fairy and an image of itself… At any rate the name is quite lengthy this time Thocitallith Ganadmosos, or the Spikesriddles the Special Tragedies. I suppose it refer to the spikes of various materials on the bracelet as well as the near tragedy that could have happed of the baby had died while Iton was not herself.

9th Granite
The elven traders have been spotted on the horizon and we will make a warm reception for them. But I must say there have been quite a few notable events lately.

10th Granite
I passed by the carpenter workshop recently to see Lir working furiously on my most recent work order. I was amazed how in the space of a few minutes he whittled a log down into a well made pipe section. I guess that fey mood he had really left its mark on him.

13th Granite
Alas the elven traders were not the same as the last one and were quite unfriendly. Unfortunately all they brought this time was many bins of cloth and a few berries. As a friendly gesture I gave them a gift of leather shoes that we had made to get rid of the leather that wasn’t jaguar, they seemed to like them. While I was busy two snatchers were caught in the cage traps and another tested our weapon traps for us. Two more were sighted but ran off.

20th Granite
Whist working on the stockpile records I heard screaming coming from outside my office. Rushing out I found dwarves running away from the entrance in a panic. I grabbed one of the nearby stationed soilders. “What the hells going on?” I demanded. “A goblin ambush was found, a member caught in a cage trap and the others not too far behind.” I cursed knowing this would be a trying test. “Keep everyone inside and don’t let anyone go after whatever gets dropped out there. Get the other squads over here and stay around the bend, let them come to us.” He nodded and rushed off to obey my orders. I went to the bend and peaked around. I saw the cage sitting there with an enraged goblin thrashing about inside and saw the mangled mess of a goblin, a spear goblin if the nearby spear was an indication, in a mangled mess in a weapon trap. I watched breathlessly as four goblins, wrestlers I think, came around the corner into the entrance. One stepped into the same weapon trap as the spear goblin. The trap jammed. Smiling, another goblin stepped over the trap and was promptly diced in the second row of weapon traps while the other was killed from a trap in the middle. After waiting for a few minutes I called out. “Looks safe.” Cattan, a hunter put into the military, rushed out for a quick check and confirmed it. The whole ambush was dead. Grimly we set about the task of cleaning up the mess and resetting the traps knowing we may not be so lucky in the future.

2nd Slate
The clean up is over and the prisoner we captured was a mace goblin. This in addition to the three baby snatchers we captured means that work on the death chamber should probably be accelerated.

9th Slate
While the elves were leaving a large group of immigrants were spotted coming from the north. Later, meeting with them I was handed a note from the mountainhome that we were prosperous enough to be a village and have all the rights accordingly. Thus it fell on me to be the first mayor, not that I wasn’t doing the same stuff anyway, and now I’ll have to pick a Captain of the guard and form a fortress guard. Gah to much happening at once.

16th Slate
Minor panic when we realized the wells we had dug were overflowing. Stukos and I are hard at work creating relief channels for this.

15th Slate
Training regiment starts today. While weapons and armor are readied the military will be working out on a line of screw pumps to build their stamina.

24th Felsite
Urist, a mason, has giving birth to a boy.

Summer, 230

2nd Hematite
Word has reached me in the mines that Cattan seems to have become possessed. I hope that for his and everyone’s sake he will be ok.

8th Hematite
Coming out of the mines for a break I see Cattan stumble out of the craft shop, tired but alive. His artifact is an alder scepter and decorated with 6 different materials, this is easily our most material consuming and valuable artifact so far.

15th Hematite
Even when constantly working people like me enough to reelect me for mayor, truly I am grateful. Also the human caravan was sighted, I’ll have to take a even longer break to meet with them.

17th Hematite
Thanks to those goblin attacks we have a lot of valuable silk items to trade away, though where they get it is beyond me. So I traded for wood, rope, alcohol, bags, dye, jaguar leather, and most of their food.

Autumn, 230

5th Limestone
One of our recruits in training, Sodel, was taken by a fey mood. I don’t like how all these moods seem to interrupt important things.

9th Limestone
Sodel made a pretty turtle bone ring though I’m not sure how he was able to fit everything that he did on it.

10th Limestone
The dwarven caravan was spotted on the horizon today. I’ll need to halt work temporarily to get ready.

16th Limestone
I met with the caravan today. I requested that we not get anymore immigrants for awhile as we need to be able to put more defenses in place before we can accept more. The head merchant seemed to understand. We traded for a few bins of silk and jaguar leather, food, pearlash, and charcoal. As we talked a kobold tried to steal but was easily thwarted by the caravan guards and a few recruits.

12th Timber
Shorast, one of our armorers, gave birth to a baby girl today. Also steel production is going great with armor soon to come.

Winter, 230

1st Moonstone
Looks like this will be a quiet winter for us. Not much to do besides attempting to get our troops trained at this point.

12th Moonstone
Two snatchers tried to get into our fort today. Two more for our caged prisoner stockpile. One got to the weapon traps, 1 more chopped body to transport. I also mandated that we make some turtle shell items to make sure people were working and to have goods for the next caravan.

16th Moonstone
“AMBUSH!” Tosid, a peasant who was hauling the goblin snatcher carcasses to the refuse pile, screeched as he barreled down the hallway. He tripped as he went down the ramps and I caught him before he hit the ground. “What happened?” I asked urgently. “I-I was ha-hauling the goblin bodies to the r-refuse pile when I was confronted right in front of the hall to the fort by six goblins. I don’t know how but I got past them and got in here before they could catch me.” Hearing the sounds of the traps going off I rose and clapped him on the soldier. “Good work, go grab some alcohol to calm your nerves.” Tosid ran off. I peaked over the lip of the ramps just in time to see the last two goblins rush stupidly into the traps and literally fall apart. Making a head count, the best I could do with body parts sworn about the place, I found that all the goblins were accounted for with four dead and two captured. “Ok boys the goblins are taken care of but be careful, there may be more ambushes about.” I called back to the anxious dwarves behind me and we got to work. Even Tosid came back out and helped.

18th Opal
Well looks like the projects that needed mass hauling are done for now. For the time being work will focus on cleaning up all the excess stone that’s lying around while steel is being produced.

1st Obsidian
We’ve constructed another death room with the purpose of allowing people to train on the goblin prisoners. I myself tested it today facing off with a goblin snatcher. When the gate opened it seemed surprised because it barley did anything when I stepped forward and impaled its head with my pick. In hindsight I probably should have gotten some armor first…

14th Obsidian
We’ve begun to look for more fuel for our forges since we’re out of any kind of coal, and we don’t want to use trees to make charcoal.

Year 4[edit]

Spring, 231

8th Granite
Efforts to find fuel haven’t gone well. We’ve dug to some exposed veins on the side of the mountain but one turned out to be only wall deep and another only produced a few units of fuel.

16th Granite
The elven traders have been seen coming from the south. Hopefully they will have some food we can make into meals.

18th Granite
Well they did have some plants we bought but all they had otherwise was cloth. I think I’m starting to see why my fellow dwarves see the elves as useless.

19th Granite
As I was heading to by room I was bowled over by Astesh, the blacksmith, who was muttering about plans and took no noticed of me or anyone else in his way. He claimed the magma forge and took two iron bars, a turtle shell, and some brown zircons. This should prove to be a useful artifact. While I was following him someone came up and told me of three snatchers that were caught in cage traps and of the three kobold thieves that Mosus found, while working on the road, who fled when found. Then he said that four snatchers that died in the same weapon trap! How stupid are these goblins?

22nd Granite
We are ambushed by a human! We were about to clean the traps when someone noticed a few weapons out of place for snatchers. We waited and were rewarded by the sight of a human leading an ambush of goblins!

27rd Granite
“What’s the situation right now?” I asked Catten who was watching over the entrance. “Ok so far, the ambush that we sighted reached the traps and is dead.” We listened to the sounds of screams and our traps scything through bodies. “Though I think there’s more than one.” He stated. A human yell rang out amongst the clang of a cage trap. We hurried to the ramps and saw the goblins that were with him had abandoned their leader and ran away, one failing to miss a trap and dieing. “Did you recognize the emblem of those to humans?” I asked Catten gesturing to the two humans in the cage traps. “Quite honestly no I don’t. They aren’t the ones that we trade with though I can’t imagine how they got past the weapon traps when they weren’t jammed. “That’s it. One more line of cage traps, it seems like it’s the only failsafe against these damn ambushes and snatchers.” Catten cleared his throat for my attention. “At any rate it seems safe to let people out now. Armok knows that giant pile of goblins corpses is stinking already. “Right then, go at it.” Dwarves rushed around us eager to be done with the gruesome task.

10th Slate
As I was conversing with Catten over improving the defenses a we heard a clamor in the entryway. Going up the ramps we were greeted by the sight of a well dressed dwarf striding right towards us. “Hail! The names Cerol.” He called out. “Where can I find the mayor here?” “This be him.” Catten said pointing to me. “What do you require?” I asked. “I was sent here to be your dungeon master by the explorers commission, even the queen is starting to become interested.” We stared dumbfounded at Cerol. The queen herself was eyeing us! “Well that’s explains why we got someone when we asked for new people.” I said. “Welcome aboard.” “Aye thanks.” He turned an eye towards the clean up. “You had a little goblin problem eh?” “Not so much goblin as human.” He turned back to me with a puzzled look. “We had a series of goblin snatchers try, being the key word, to get in and as we were about to clean up we found weapons that had to be from an ambush. There may have been three ambushes but the two that we know of were lead by humans, their currently sitting in the prisoner stockpile.” “We got this emblem off them but we don’t know who it’s from.” Catten said handing a piece of cloth with a crown on it. Cerol traced a finger along the design. “Well, this looks like it’s from the Pesor Aslu group.” “The Confederacies of Circling?” I asked remembering tidbits from the meetings with Dastot. “I thought we weren’t involved in any trouble with them.” “Aye, that be so. They’re probably not too happy with us trading with Kenomanthath like we have been.” “Pah!” Catten snorted. “The ‘Future Confederation’ indeed. Pespr Aslu probably doesn’t like the upstarts to begin with.” “Anyway,” I said. “we have rooms dug out for you but we still need to furnish them.” Cerol waved a hand. “Bah no big deal, I’ll just go get acquainted with the forges while I wait.” Cerol walked off and Catten and I resumed our conversation.

12th Slate
Apparently Astesh finished his artifact during the ambushes, it’s an iron armor stand titled Mosuslertesh Merirminbaz. I think this will be an excellent center piece in the dungeon master’s new rooms. I also noticed that it was the dungeon master himself working to make the furniture at the forge, if that’s not irony I don’t know what is.

25th Slate
I mandated the making of some electrum items today. Bim, a metal crafter, immediately grabbed a bar of electrum and made a ring, an earring, and an amulet. I do so like electrum.

22nd Felsite
I was presented with the first suit of steel armor we have made today. I traced a figure over the shining curves awed, proud of how far we have come. Promising to put it to good use I put on the suit and went to the goblin sparring chamber to deal some dwarven justice on the ugly green skins. Suffice to say the three goblin snatchers I faced all looked like a wall I’ve just mined out, they didn’t even put up a decent fight. I went in dealing justice and I came back out named by my peers. Icumdumat Toral, the Virtuous Roughness of Law. I ordered armor production put up in full.

Summer, 231

12th Hematite
Not much to talk about. Armor production is going well though I’m not sure if we have enough steel for the whole military, guess that means more digging for fuel.

17th Hematite
Word has reached me in the mines that the human caravan was sighted. I ordered goods brought to the trade depot and told them I’ll be there shortly. Indecently I was reelected again.

19th Hematite
I stood by the trade depot talking to the merchants that had arrived so far when the shout went up. “Ambush!” “Catten!” I roared. “Get people off the pumps and make some squads. I want you guys equipped with what we have and outside on the double!” One of the traders stumbled in trying to pull his burdened donkey faster. “Report.” The head merchant told him. “An Ambush was spotted coming from the north west, sir.” “And I’m willing to bet there’s more than one.” I muttered, Catten came running up. “I’ve got my squad with crossbows, another squad with crossbows and a third squad with swords besides those that are on standby.” “Ok I want your squad and the sword squad covering the traders to the south, get the other crossbow squad to engage the ambush coming from the north west and guarding the entrance, the last two squads I want to stay in here for defense.” I ordered. “Sir!” Catten saluted and ran off to give the orders. “I hope this turns out all right.” I said. The head merchant put his hand on my shoulder. “Regardless I’m thankful that you’re going through this trouble.” A half an hour later Catten came to report. “The first was taken care of easily and became a complete route when the caravan guards became involved, not that any got away. A second ambush headed by a human was found trying to surprise the caravan line and was promptly put down.” “Headed by a human!? What’s the meaning of this?” The head merchant demanded. “Pespr Aslu.” I said. “We believe they do not like the fact that you trade with us, or want to raid our fort. To our knowledge they do not have bad relations with our clan. We also have two human prisoners from previous ambushes.” “Well that does complicate things.” The merchant pondered for a moment. “We’ll have to cut our route short and head back to our capital when we’re done here.” “Well then lets get to trading…” In the end we traded for the things we had ordered last time, pearlash, charcoal, wood, jaguar leather, most of their food and drink, dogs, and many iron bolts. We gave a lot to them in return to make up for the situation they had ended up in as well.

19th Malachite
The human caravan is getting ready to go and clean up continues. However, Stukos and I are haven’t a grand stroke of luck finding two lignite veins and one coal vein. This will definitely keep us going for awhile.

21st Malachite
The caravan has left under the cover of our own military keeping watch as our dwarves continue to clean the battlefield.

7th Galena
The cleanup of the battlefield is done, or at least we’ll let nature wash the bloodstains away. We’re still very busy trying to organize everything though.

Autumn, 231

1st Limestone
Another recruit seems to have been possessed again. I seriously don’t know why the gods taunt us like so. At any rate Kobuk seems happy with his two bars of iron and lump of chalk.

3rd Limestone
Kobuk has made himself an iron scepter that he’s mighty proud of. It is a nice piece of work but we’re to busy to dwell on such things right now. As it is I have a large stack of papers needing my signature.

10th Limestone
The dwarven caravan has been spotted coming from the east. I’ll get the military on standby just in case.

15th Limestone
Apparently the even the mountainhome has heard of our exploits this past season. The merchants greeted us very warmly as they set up. We traded for more pearlash, charcoal, steel, wood, dogs, alcohol, food, and jaguar leather. Some might say I’m obsessed with the jaguar leather but I really just want the leather armor that our military will wear under their steel to be the same rather than from a bunch of different animals. We gave them great deals and sent offerings back to our queen, I hope the gifts are well received. Later tonight we will be having parties celebrating with our fellow dwarf brothers.

8th Timber
We have developed a system for a one lever throw defense that will help us out tremendously if invaders manage to get through the initial traps. Basically we put some dog cages just in front of our last line of cage traps and link it to a lever, when that lever is pulled war dogs will pour out onto the invaders. This has the added affect of reducing some of the bustle of 24th Timber We’ve enlarged the trade depot area to allow us to be able to respond better to any invaders coming around the bend.

Winter, 231

4th Moonstone
I’ve decided to set up a sort of zoo in our meeting area. The centerpiece? The human prisoners of Pesor Aslu.

17th Moonstone
Word of a series of snatchers in the traps has come to me. I ordered that no one go outside incase its anything like the situations we have had before with ambushes following.

18th Moonstone
Apparently I was right, an ambush showed up today and was decimated in the traps. This trend worries me. We don’t seem to catch any worthwhile prisoners, only snatchers, in the cage traps while the ambushers have a chance to bypass the traps as a result. I guess it’s a good thing we have more than one line of cage traps, even if they are behind the weapon traps. I thin everyone will be staying inside until some of the bodies have rotted to expose the bone.

19th Moonstone
At least one more ambush judging by the noise.

20th Moonstone
A lookout told me that there was one survivor to the ambush yesterday that keep falling unconscious, I sent Catten’s squad out to finish it.

21st Moonstone
I stood by the trade depot overseeing the reconstruction when I heard Catten’s squad approach. I turned around to welcome him but his serious expression made me stop. “There was another fucking ambush out there that found us when we came out of the hall.” He said, every word measured and clipped. “None of us were injured but they got me two dogs the bastards.” He began stomping off. “Oh and we got that one bugger you sent us to get.” Catten called over his shoulder. I looked to Catten’s comrades. “The dogs were both named.” One offered. “But we found the remains of an elite bowman, we think it might be Nguslu.” I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “At any rate good work. Go ahead and take a break, just keep an eye on Catten for me.” I waved the waiting dwarves forward to clean up the mess in the hallway and turned back to the construction.

22nd Opal
One of the children has decided to organize a party at our fledgling zoo. I think they want a better chance to make fun of our human prisoners.

4th Obsidian
Armor production for our main force has nearly reached its zenith. Soon we will make weapons then start on other projects with our precious steel. I also have realized there has been a grave over look of a decent map of this place. I’ve been working hard over these last few days and will bring out the map on the turning of the year.

23rd Obsidian
I decided to vent a bit more on goblin prisoners so I’ve had some cages rigged in the sparring chamber. As I stood there the lever was pulled and cages opened, standing against me was a goblin snatcher, a goblin swordsman, and a goblin wrestler. Immediately I leapt for the snatcher rendering its head into pulp with one well placed strike and stunned the swordsman with a blow to the leg on the back swing. It fell and I made sure to put my pick in its chest to kill it. The wrestler, having tried the door to no avail, came at me but I caught it with a roundhouse swing of my pick and struck it right next to its spine. It doubled over in pain making my next strike off center and land on its right arm spinning it away. I followed and put it out of its misery with a well place strike to the chest. Having the door unlocked I strode out with a smile on my face and went back to work after taking off my armor.

Year 5[edit]

Spring, 232

8th Granite
Work has begun on a tower of steel at the entrance to our fort. We hope this will be a bastion of strength for us in the coming years. I’ve also started letting the crossbow squads start target practice at the shooting range.

9th Granite
Fath, a mason, has been taken by a mood similar to what Lir had. He claimed the craftshop and gathered a great many materials to use. Geniss, goblin bones, uncut yellow jasper and lace agate, two iron bars, and some cloth. I wonder what odd craft this mood will produce.

15th Granite
“Elven caravan on the horizon!” A lookout shouted. “Alright Catten get the marksdwarf squads outside to cover them. Mothkat! Get a squad together and arm yourselves with swords, your backup. Everyone else bring the goods to the depot!” I shouted. I turned around biting my thumb. There is always a risk with these caravans, goblins and ambushes seem to follow them like sharks to blood…

16th Granite
“Contact!” One of the defending soldiers called. “Ambush from Pesor Aslu!” The conflict raged for a few minutes then died down. “Elves entering!” Another soldier called as elves rushed panicked into the entry way. “I want everyone to fall back for the time being when all the elves are inside.” I called up. “Roger!” Ten minutes later the soldiers trooped down the ramp. “Report.” I said. “It was a group of six lead by another human. No injuries on our side or the elves and no enemies escaped.” Catten said, I nodded. “Good work, stay on guard there’s bound to be more. I’ll go deal with the elves now.” I walked to the trade depot where the elves were unloading their stock. I got some favorable deals from the elves on the wood they brought as a result of their gratitude and I gave some gifts to promote good relations. In the end all we can do is dig in and wait to see what happens though.

24th Granite
With the traps not going off for a few days I decided that it was safe enough to let the clean up outside being yet again. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be an armed escort. I’m also going to send the marksdwarf squad on a patrol around our land.

26th Granite
Success! Our marksdwarf squads found an ambushed and soundly defeated them, with only a few scratches in return. The odd thing they reported was that the leader was missing an arm and kept fainting… I’ll have to consult with the elves on this, they’ve been fighting the goblins for some time now.

27th Granite
The elves identified the goblin as Gozru Nozutngom. Apparently this goblin has been alive since the world was keeping track of time, that’s 232 years old! One of their warriors long ago slashed his arm off before being killed himself. I guess the pain from his wound was catching up to him. Afterwards I bid the elves farewell as they headed off to their next location. Also during this slew of ambushes three dwarves were named. Vabok for example was named Dumat Kethil, or the Roughness of Principles, probably for smashing a goblin with his crossbow so hard it flew five meters.

24th Slate
The main part of our military is now done with the pump training. Once we are done with clean up outside I’ll begin formal training for them.

Summer, 232

9th Hematite
One of our children, Vucar, has been taken by a fey mood. At first it was hard to tell from a child’s normal ramblings but when she claimed the craft shop it was obvious. She somehow managed to drag two pieces of gneiss, some cow leather, a log, silk, a cave lobster shell, goblin bones, a cut brown zircon, and a pink garnet. It seems the more wealth we amass the more these moods take, my only concern is for the state of the child’s mind…

15th Hematite
“Human caravan coming from the south!” Came the call. The military dwarves moved out, now used to the procedure. Doubtless there will be issues.

20th Hematite
Oddly enough we had no trouble ushering the merchants into the safety of the fort, maybe the construction of our steel tower has frightened enemies away. In other news Vucar has finished her artifact, a gneiss amulet named Shasadstul Tustzalgashcoz. For such a small thing the amulet commands a grand price. The humans saw it as it came out of the craft shop and literally drooled at the sight of it. Thankfully they haven’t even tried to offer anything for it.

21st Hematite
We traded for the usual things, jaguar leather, food, bolts, wood, pearlash and potash in which to make it. We also gave them a sizeable offering for trade relations as well.

27th Hematite
Well the human diplomat found a thief on the way out, it promptly ran away but I don’t get why the diplomat doesn’t go with the caravan when he is done with me.

24th Galena
Iton, one of our military dwarves, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl today. We held a small celebration that night. We also added a “master goblin thief” to our zoo.

Autumn, 232

15th Limestone
The dwarven caravan was spotted to the south and east. Looks like I’m going to have to break up the party at the zoo…

17th Limestone
This time I’m making sure that any leather made items we don’t need are sold to the merchants. This will free up room in the armor stockpile and ensure that our military won’t get confused by which kind of leather armor they are suppose to put on. We got more jaguar leather, wood, pearlash, steel bars, bolts, and plenty of food. We also sent a bin as an offering to the queen. If we do this enough we’ll likely attract a lot of notice, hopefully for the better. I gave a letter to the merchants to the mountainhome saying that we are open to immigrants again.

19th Limestone
We have begun work on another project involving our prisoners. We are digging a shaft from the top of one peak of the mountain we are in to about 16 floors down. What will happen is the cages will be hauled to the top and we’ll drop the prisoners down the shaft and well… I think it’s obvious what will happen.

22nd Sandstone
Yet another soldier has succumbed to a mood from the gods. This one is different however… Iden made some pictures on paper before going out and getting the materials he needed, many different bones, an uncut sunstone, and some logs, without saying a word to anyone. I suppose this is a secretive mood.

28th Sandstone
Iden made a very interesting artifact during this mood. He made a cabinet out of cave fish bones called Thabostnist Zizcunkomut that will go in the next nobles room that comes here.

10th Timber
A group of immigrants came in today, eight in number. I suppose that they were eager to join of most of them will become recruits as prospects for the fortress guard since we don’t really need most of their job types.

13th Timber
It’s been overly quiet around here. No goblins other than the prisoners for a long time, I’m beginning to wonder if something’s going on.

Winter, 232

5th Moonstone
The execution shaft was tested on a goblin snatcher today; he made a nice little mess at the bottom of the shaft. Now we’ll widen the pit chamber to allow guards in case of an escapee.

11th Moonstone
While over seeing the pitting of goblin prisoners the squad stationed in the pit room saw a large force of goblins appear to the north of us, we are besieged! Unfortunately I don’t believe the bridge at the tower is hooked up yet but the siege doesn’t look so big. I guess now we know why there hasn’t been much goblin activity lately.

12th Moonstone
The head count of the siege force has been completed. 16 Goblins total 11 Goblin wrestlers, one on a bleak dog 5 Goblin swordsmen

16th Moonstone
I walked up the stairs to the partially built tower where Catten’s squad, The Murky Busts, was waiting to rain death upon the goblin force. “Do you think we’ll hold?” I asked bluntly. “Aye. They don’t have any archers so between our shooting and the traps we shouldn’t have to big of a problem as long as no one goes charging them unless they’re in the base.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Just think of it as one of those times when we had the series of ambushes.” I nodded stone-faced, knowing this trail could possibly be the most important battle for the fort.

18th Moostone
“Open fire!” Catten commanded and four crossbows fired with deadly precision at the invading forces. I watched, horrifyingly fascinated, as goblins began sprouting bolts from arms and shoulders, one taking a two bolts to the chest. Soon five goblins lay dead on the field and the rest were in retreat. Only a few of the fleeing goblins had wounds, mostly arm or hand wounds where bolts had hit, but one lagged behind with a bolt in its leg. “Get the Violet Smiths out there.” I shouted, the other marksdwarf squad headed by Iden. I watched as the Smiths closed in on that last goblin and saw Olin fire two bolts finishing off the straggler. The fort shook with the cheers of the dwarves, they had survived, and without any injuries! “All forward!” I shouted and most of the fort poured out to congratulate the military and clean up the siege. Out of 16 goblins ten got away but considering how well we handled it we were ecstatic.

3rd Opal
The clean up is done and we have partied well into the night and through most of the next day celebrating our victory. Soon we’ll have more bone bolts to train Iden’s squad and we’ll begin training the melee squads soon as well.

20th Opal
While pitting more goblins one got away while the military wasn’t on call but the dogs dealt with the issue quite well and without injury.

25th Opal
Our gem cutter, Tulon, has just been taken by a possession. He claimed the gem shop and gathered only an uncut lace agate, shame he won’t recall any of this.

2nd Obsidian
Tulon finished his artifact, a mug of lace agate. Its definitely a nice piece of work, though I was expecting a ring to be honest.

10th Obsidian
“Imush,” A dwarf came stumbling into my office. “emergency!” “What’s the matter?” I asked standing up. “Titan!” I rushed past the dwarf and up the stair to the tower. “I am Vanel Lashedashok,” I large female titan bellowed, “named Arethzustash Idek by those that worship me. Surrender or I shall purge your puny fort of you and take its riches for my own!” “Apparently she hasn’t heard of the goblin siege.” Catten remarked walking up to me and considering the titan. “Want us to open fire?” Both squads of marksdwarves were assembled. The titan gave a roar and began charging the entrance. “No, let her introduce herself to our traps.” I began walking to the stairs as the titan ran underneath us grinning up at us, she never saw the cage trap stop her in her tracks. “Take her to the prisoner stockpile, I’ll speak with her later.” I said snapping my fingers, everyone stared at my retreating back. It was then I realized how much of a hardened individual I had become, even if it was for the good of the fort.”

Year 6[edit]

Spring, 233

10th Granite
Elven traders have been spotted to the North West. I’ll send out the marksdwarf squads to escort them.

14th Granite
“Hello there.” I called to the elves as I walked to the trade depot. One detached himself from his fellows. “Greetings, I am Iki and we are grateful to have been brought here safely.” I waved a hand. “Its no problem, policy we have here not to lose any traders if we are capable of doing so.” I looked at him side long. “Do you have a good knowledge of such things as titans and their ilk perchance?” Iki blanched. “Yes we tend to keep tabs on such creatures as megabeasts. Pray tell why you’ve brought such a subject up.” I motioned for him to follow me. I led him to the prisoner stockpile where he stood flabbergast at the sight of the titan. “She calls herself Vanel, know her?” Iki gave a gulp. “Yes, she’s been around since recorded history 233 years ago. She’s fought with many, worshiped by men, dwarves, and elves in olden times, and even fought with a past queen. Not that either were injured. She has killed at least 30 people that we know of.” I nodded and stroked my beard. “Well I don’t think we will execute her, however… If possible, even though I don’t like it, we may try to reason with her.” “You would traffic with such a creature!?” “We would ensure that she never goes far from the compound. Besides she won’t likely accept it so we’ll probably put her in the zoo.” “W-well let’s get back to the depot and trade.” The elf said shakily and started walking back to the depot. They mostly had cloth though we did manage to trade for a few logs.

18th Granite
A few kobold thieves have shown up in the past few days. While we never killed any of them neither did they get away with anything.

18th Slate
Work has begun on a way to keep goblins that attack us from escaping while leaving them to our tender mercies. Suffice to say it will be an extension from the base of the tower.

22th Slate
I was up in the tower enjoying a cool breeze when I heard trumpets blaring. Irritated I looked to the south and saw a small contingent coming our way, with four important looking dwarves foremost. “Catten.” I called, he came up the stairs. “Aye?” “I believe we may have nobles here soon.” Catten cursed and stomped a bit, I understood what he was feeling. Nobles are perhaps some of the most self centered bastards that don’t even know how to run a fort properly, much less make it prosper. “At any rate get the boys gathered and tell the smiths to get the forges fired up.” Catten walked away grumbling and I turned back to face our future, what could possibly be our ruin.

25th Slate
I met the group at the entrance decked out in my armor and with the best of our military arrayed behind me. I threw my arms open wide. “Welcome to Zanegshelret! I am Imush Taronsolon Icumdumat Toral at your service.” The baron regarded me for a moment. “Hmm a named leader, we weren’t informed of this,” He turned to his wife, “were we dear?” His wife shook her head. Catten, who stood to my right, spoke up. “He certainly earned it; he killed most of the imps that were in the lava pool yonder and has killed more than a few goblins. He has also managed a few feats that are best left to the tour.” The baron glared at Catten but his wife put a restraining hand on her husband, he calmed down. “My name is Oddom, my wife is Zas, the fellow there is the hammerer Fikod, and the diminutive dwarf there is Bomrek the tax collector. Under the decree by the queen this land is now a barony.” I looked the whole group over. The lot seemed friendly enough, except for the baron who appears quick tempered. “Rooms are in the process of being readied for all of you. If you would follow me I’ll give you a tour of the fort.”

26th Slate
Well the tour went well, they all were impressed by the execution shaft and the titan we had captured. Later as we had a feast a storyteller told the tale of our siege last year. I had inquired about our new nobles tastes but unfortunately the only one we can provide specifically for is Zas who likes billon. As I write furniture is being produced for the nobles. The nobles arrived with three others, three of which are useless overall, but the forth is a military dwarf with sword training. I’ll likely give a squad of dwarves to him to lead.

9th Felsite
“Imush may I have a word with you?” I looked up to see Oddom standing in the doorway of my office. “Aye, what be it you need?” “Well I would like it if you would make some bucklers, I like they way they feel and they would go a long way towards protecting the military.” I sat back inwardly groaning, shields were much better for what he wanted yet what could I say? “I can do that, I’ll send word as soon as possible.” Oddom grinned. “Thank you.” And walked away. I just shook my head wondering what I was getting into.

15th Felsite
Well that mandate has been completed, squeezed in between the furniture being made.

19th Felsite
I’ve been informed that Bomrek has mandated some flasks made. Sigh, they just got here and they are already trying to run the show.

24th Felsite
As I was about to give the orders for the flasks a dwarf informed me that Zas wants a mace! These people will be the death of us.

25th Felsite
One of our peasants has just been taken by a mood. I think Oddom was a bit put off by how Datan rushed past him without the proper respect. Datan took the craft shop and gathered some stone together before beginning his work.

Summer, 233

2nd Hematite
Datan has finished his creation, a toy boat. I suppose the baron or his consort will take it when they have children.

13th Hematite
While wandering around outside Alath found a kobold thief and killed it.

14th Hematite
The human caravan has been sighted. I’ll send the military out to greet them.

17th Hematite
Looks like I’ve been reelected again. To be honest I like this work, better than having nothing to do.

21st Hematite
I’ve met with the human traders today and always am I astounded by the amount of things they bring, the caravan is massive. We traded for wood, potash, pearlash, booze, food, jaguar leather, and bolts.

11th Galena
Lately the nobles have been quiet, thankfully. Their living arrangments have been taken care of and they’re satisfied for now. Metal production is ramping up again as we still don’t have a fortress guard or, more recently needed, a noble guard. We have also been expanding on our war dog trap adding a few to the inner ones and putting a new cage with a lot of dog inside it just in front of the entrance. We also have floodgates prepped to seal off the entrance. Sigh I want to make that extra courtyard to capture goblins but arming the new guards takes priority.

25th Galena
Zulban, one of our weapon smiths, has been taken by a mood! This could be one of the most useful moods we have had yet. He claimed a magma forge and gathered a steel bar, a cut pink garnet and some silver ore.

Autumn, 233

4th Limestone
It’s beautiful. Zublan has made a beautiful war hammer. He calls it Tumamshorast, or the Mortal Wire, probably after how the head of the hammer has been encircled with steel and silver wires to make it even more punishing. He used the pink garnet on the haft of the hammer.

10th Limestone
The dwarven caravan was sighted to the south this morning. The military is going out to meet them. Although… it has been quiet lately, are the goblins planning another siege? Heh we might actually have to start producing our own crafts again though since there hasn’t been much goblin activity.

14th Limestone
I met with the traders today. We got some wood, steel bars, food, and booze. Its odd to see how self supporting we have become though, we don’t depend on these caravans as much as we use to.

16th Limestone
I was talking with the dwarven liaison when the call came. “Siege!” I excused myself hastly and went for the tower, Catten met me there. “Any idea on troop strength?” I asked him. “Not at this range although it looks like there are quite a few on beak dogs.” I pondered for a moment. “Let them into the bottom of the tower but make sure to slam the floodgates closed when they get close, I want to try to trap as many as possible in the courtyard.” “Well what going on here?” A voice called out. We turned to see the baron striding towards us. “We are besieged.” I said calmly, Oddom sputtered. “Well what are you going to do about it?” We will trap as many as possible in the courtyard below us. When they reach it the floodgates will close and depending on how they react will determain how fast we get the bridge up.” “But that’s too dangerous!” “It will work. The traps will slow them down long enough for the floodgates to close and if any get by then we’ll get them with the military.” I smiled, “Just leave it to me.” I turned back to survey the force arrayed against us while Oddom stalked off muttering. “You sure that was a good idea?” Catten asked. “I need to show them who really is in charge here, the one who knows how to do things or the ones appointed over them.” I settled down to wait. 17th Limestone I was working in my office when Catten stepped in. “We have the latest troop numbers here.” He handed me a list to look at. 16 goblins 1 mace wielder 11 crossbowmen 4 wrestlers “Bad news to,” I looked up, “the mace wielder is a mace lord.” I cursed, as if the crossbowmen weren’t bad enough they had sent a strong melee to boot. “I suppose we’ll have to be extra careful then.” I thought for a moment. “Raise the bridge and put down the floodgates, give us some time to get some fortifications up.” Catten grinned. “We’ll see what we can do.” He left me to finish my chores.

20th Limestone
“Lower the bridge.” I commanded. I had already received the report about the second force of goblins north east of us. I was hoping to put the war dogs to use anyway. The bridge went down, and the goblins began crossing it warily. I signaled again. The bridge came up flinging goblins every which way and came back down on top of any in its path grounding them into paste. We cheered as some fled the scene. “Watch for the second group carefully.” I warned, we would catch them in the courtyard. A few minutes later the other group wandered in, talked with the survivors, and crossed the bridge quickly. One didn’t make it fast enough and was flung outside the tower while his mount flew inside. The rest began charging the traps when I gave a different signal. A moment later 19 war dogs were released upon the unsuspecting goblins. The courtyard literally exploded in violence as goblins tried to get away for fight the dogs and either crashing into each other or accidentally triggering a trap. “Go go go.” I shouted to the marksdwarves, they ran up to the tower. Oh how those goblins squealed when bolts began to fly into their ranks.

21st Limestone
The tally is done. About 32 goblins attacked the fort with roughly four beak dogs and three goblins escaping and more in the trench beneath the bridge. We have about nine dogs that survived from that cage, we have two more cages we didn’t trigger of 13 dogs each, but two dogs probably won’t be long for this world. No injuries to us though it will take awhile to replace the dogs the caravan still has a few in cages we could buy.

17th Sandstone
The dwarven caravan rolled out today, traveling through the blood and gore stained passage way. They hardly batted an eye and praised us for our ingenuity.

13th Timber
It appears the goblins in the trench are well and truly stuck, I can see if we can get it extended but that will be tough with some of them having crossbows.

16th Timber
We managed to get the trench extended and the goblins were dead before they knew what hit them.

Winter, 233

15th Moonstone
Kobold thief tried to get in today, he got a bolt in the head for his troubles. In other news though the metal production is going great and the latest batch of armor is nearly done.

3rd Opal
Bed rearrangements have been finished for the military. Now if we can ever do so they’ll be able to have their own chests and cabinets.

9th Opal
I talked with Catten today about the outer courtyard plans. We were considering to install lever triggered weapon traps in that area but the number of spikes we would have to make concerns me. It was decided that trapping the area, once it’s built, would be put off until more important things are done.

22nd Opal
I don’t know why Obbok repeatedly insists we make bucklers, are military is nearly completely armored. Sigh… noble types never seem to get the big picture.

23rd Opal
One of the recruits that were training on the pump became possessed today. He claimed the craft shop and like so many before him began gathering materials. This time around some obsidian, three turtle shells, two logs, some beak dog leather, and a few turtle bones are the materials gathered. Looks like we’ve got another valuable artifact on its way, then again I suppose that our fort is living up its name.

2nd Obsidian
Ustuth made a very valuable obsidian crown. It’s so good that if the queen ever visits that we may well present it to her. I am a little fusterated at how many of these artifacts come up as useless though, I’ve cross trained some of the peasants in armor and weapon smithing in the hopes that we would have a better chance at a good artifact.

Year 7[edit]

Spring, 234

2nd Granite
An elven diplomat appeared out of nowhere and warned Oddom about harvesting too many trees. Later he came and yelled at me for having lax security. I saw the elf as he was leaving and I understand how he got past us, he was amazingly fast. But what confuses me more is that we haven’t harvested a lot of trees for awhile.

10th Granite
“Siege!” The call echoed throughout the fort. I hurried to the lookout. “Where are they coming from?” I asked the dwarf. “So far I can see two groups from the north and another to the south.” “Good man, keep us updated.” I said clapping him on the shoulder. Heading down stairs I met with Catten. “We doing the same thing as before?” “Of course, get the dwarves in position.” Catten scooted off. I went to deal with the nobles.

12th Granite
Catten walked into my office a scroll clutched in his hand and a grim look on his face. “Here’s the troop numbers of the goblins.” He said handing it to me. Group 1 1 human -Thefin Atekrostfen, spearmaster, local leader 15 goblins -9 hammermen -6 wrestlers 16 beak dogs

Group 2 16 goblins -Bosa Uslukstosbob, mace lord, local leader -7 spearmen -8 wrestlers 16 beak dogs

Group 3 1 Human -Kuda Xemmori, spearmaster, local leader 15 goblins -6 swordsmen -9 wrestlers 16 beak dogs

I just stared at the scroll. “This many… and three of the local leaders as well…” I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “Well at least they have no ranged support. Raise the bridge for now, I want to put more cage traps in.” “Aye.” Catten saluted and walked away barking orders. I got up and began walking towards where the mechanisms were stored to help out. As I walked I worried about whether the elf caravan would be coming this year to the slaughter.

22nd Granite
We are almost ready to face the goblins. A line of weapon traps were taken out and many cages traps put in, I want prisoners and it’s the beak dogs that tend to be captured.

26th Granite
“Drop the bridge.” I commanded ready for what was to come. The first group, headed by Kuda, slowly made its way forward. As they came in I snapped my fingers, the trap closed with only two not in the trap. As the first cage traps began going off, Kuda in one I saw with satisfaction, I gestured again. “Get up there boys!” Catten called and the crossbow squads went up to the tower. As the bolts began falling the goblins panicked and more began running into the cage traps, goblins were thrown off their mounts. It was chaos and I was thrilled at our simple plan that worked so many times.

2nd Slate
The first group was still being worked on when an unexpected call went up. “Titan!” I groaned but when I was looking out from the lookout spot I saw the titan was staying right where it was. “Catten.” I called. “Aye?” He yelled from the tower. “There may be a change in plans, we have a titan on our hands.” I was treated to the sound of cursing but I smiled anyway, we would survive.

19th Slate
Our drawbridge lowered. We waited most of the day but the titan came running into the base of the tower about midday. He laughed to the two goblin groups that were still trying to get to our fort almost run over each other trying to stop. “I will be the one to take this fort riches!” He bellowed and strode in. The bridge came up behind him but he didn’t care the titan kept coming forward taunting us. “I am Fathinu Nematheyane, named Fathinueyeyo. I have killed…” Bam! The titan found himself on his back starting up at the crossbars of a cage. “Like a fly to sugar.” I said walking up to the cage and stopping just out of reach. The titan roared and cursed at me but he couldn’t do anything in the cage. I turned around and motioned for the cage to be moved and the trap reloaded.

21st Slate
The next group of goblins began to cross the bridge. “Hurry raise the bridge.” I called, the last group wasn’t to far behind. The bridge began going up but not before Thefin followed Bosa’s group over the bridge, I cursed. Goblins went flying but now I may not catch all of the leaders. I watched as Bosa was captured and wondered what Thefin would do. He strode forward, goblins and their mounts being caught in traps, and entered the corridor. I cage sprung up and took his mount from under him but he got away before he could stumble into another one. “Then we wait.” I muttered watching, planning.

27th Slate
The floodgate began to squeal open. Thefin noticed this and grinned. “You don’t have anymore traps!? Are you coming out to fight? Well then let’s do this.” He ran towards the rising gate, and was caught by the last line of cage traps before the weapons. He roared, furious he had fallen for it. I grinned but then saw the rest of the group we caught rush forward. “Close the gate.” I yelled but it was too late, some had gotten in. A goblin on a beak dog rushed Mebzuth our jeweler, Ingiz a planter, and me. With a yell they both jumped and tried to wrestle the beak dog to the ground knocking the goblin off. I backpedaled ordering Mothkat’s squad, the Daggers of Searing, forward. They came around the corner and began wrestling the beak dog down. Sigun, a peasant, unfortunately tried to help as well before they got there and was killed. When the beak dog and the goblin fell, Catten and his squad rushed up the ramp and picked off the last two goblins in the courtyard. I looked around. Mebzuth had gotten off with a shallow wound to his right arm but Ingiz hadn’t gotten off so easy. Ingiz had lost his entire right leg to the beak dog and a few other wounds aside. I called for a peasant to be set to taking care of the wounded and turned to face Sigun. “Make sure that he is buried with all respects.” I said. “What is going on outside?” “The goblins that were outside appear to have left sir.” One dwarf replied. I looked again to Sigun. In my greed to capture the leaders I had cost a life, yet was that not the way of war? If I had stepped forward and helped maybe they would all have been ok. Someone put their hand on my shoulder. “It’s not your fault.” Catten said. “Yet it seems as if it was my fault.” “No one can anticipate the outcome of a battle. May this dwarf’s soul go out to the gods, but don’t disrespect his spirit by doubting yourself.” I smiled. “Thanks Catten.” He patted my shoulder. “Alright let’s get this cleaned up!” Catten shouted and everyone moved forward.

5th Slate
Cleanup continues. I still feel a bit guilty about Sigun but I’ve let it go for the most part. After the clean up is done we’ll let those that fell down the trench out to die.

9th Slate
We opened the door to the trench and let the marksdwarves mow them down. One nearly got away but the chased it down.

Summer, 234

17th Hematite
A human diplomat stopped by to chat with the baron. On the way out he said that the human caravan was on its way. Looking to the east we see that this is true.

23rd Hematite
The human caravan has finished setting up so I have visited them. We traded tales but they were particularly amazed at our last siege. I showed them the pile of bones we have made, until we can turn them into bolts, and the prisoner stockpile where the local leaders sat. Afterwords we traded for copper, iron, pig iron, silver, and platinum bars, as well as food and bolts.

22nd Malachite
We have begun work on the outer courtyard again, and this time we’ll finish it.

23rd Malachite
Mebzuth must have been taken advantage of as he slept to heal for he acts possessed. He only grabbed an uncut sunstone and began working though.

25th Malachite
Bomrek came to my office today with a smug look and demanded that I get a tin table made in put in his room. We only have one bar, how can we make a table from that?

26th Malachite
Well Mebzuth finished his artifact today, a barrel… out of sunstone… I guess the gem he grabbed was bigger than I thought, that or the gods work some odd magic when we do their bidding.

27th Malachite
While we were doing some digging to try and find cassiterite, the ore of tin, we struck a vein of lignite. This is great because we were out of it.

19th Galena
“Hey Imush.” Catten said walking into my office, I looked up. “Looks like we another titan on our hands.” I groaned. “They never learn do they?” I asked, he grinned. “Just make sure that everyone is inside. Maybe we’ll execute one later once he is captured.” Catten headed off to ensure everyone’s safety.

21st Galena
“Come out you lazy slobs!” I glanced over the edge of the tower, titan right on time. “Are you afraid to face me? I am…” “Ya ya we’ve heard it before.” Catten called out leaning easily again the fortifications, the behemoth looked confused. “We got a few of your brethren in here.” The titan spat. “I am the greatest of my kind!” “You’re probably the last of your kind.” The titan was positively livid now. “Fine then I’ll show you the true might of the titan race!” He rushed forward to get under our line of sit and barreled right into a cage trap. Catten and I looked to each other. “To stupid titans?” I asked raising my mug of ale. “To stupid titans.” Catten replied hoisting his own mug and we drank.

Autumn, 234

1st Limestone
We’ve begun expanding the sparring room to make way for us to work on getting rid of our prisoners faster. There’s also talk of getting the titans ahem “together” but I don’t think that would be a good idea.

15th Limestone
The dwarven caravan was sighted to the east today. I’ll need to talk with them about megabeasts.

17th Limestone
I met with the merchants today; I asked them about how many megabeasts there were left. “Well there’s the two titans you’ve already captured. Um…” the head merchant looked at his fellows. “Theres, what, one titan left and all the other beasts dead?” I raised a bushy eyebrow. “If that’s so then there’s no megabeasts left loose to terrorize the world.” They stared at me blankly. When I showed them the third titan they were ecstatic, then the calls went up. “You have the last living titans, and megabeasts, in the known world!” “Kill them!” “Mate them, let a dieing breed live!” I waved my hands for silence. “We still haven’t decided the ultimate fate of these creatures. As it is we still have a lot of other prisoners we’ve yet to deal with.” As we trudged back to the trade depot I was brimming with pride, not only had we withstood three titans but they were the last of the megabeasts! We traded for metals, a dog, some booze, a stack of bolts, and food. We sent back plenty of tribute this time around.

19th Sandstone
The dwarven caravan left today promising to relay our success to the mountainhome.

24th Sandstone
Some migrants were spotted coming from the north west, we could probably use the dwarf power.

25th Sandstone
Ingiz has finally snapped as the toll of losing his leg became too much. I came out of the office to see Ingiz standing, as best he could, on the bed and trying to hit anyone who came near. He already had a few wounds from the crossbow squad stationed there but as I watched he moved with liquid grace to somehow dodge the other bolts launched at him. Then one of the nearby in-training hammers dwarves stepped in and smashed Ingiz so hard he flew and hit the wall a few meters behind him. It’s sad that the results of that siege still haunt us today but I must do away with these thoughts and prepare to welcome our new immigrants.

5th Timber
Well we have nine new dwarves in our fort now. Everything is sorted out and we now have four new recruit undergoing pump training. A wrestler that arrived with them is also undergoing pump training.

21st Timber
Tun has trained enough to have become a hammer dwarf champion. We held a party in his honor and I expect the rest of the squad to soon follow. He did however lay claim to Tumamshorast which I was planning on giving to his leader but then again, he became better.

Winter, 234

4th Moonstone
The outer courtyard is now complete, with it our major plans for protection are done. Now I suppose we can do some more work on the tower and start making more furniture.

12th Moostone
Inod, one of our newest recruits, has been struck with a secretive mood. She claimed the craft shop and gathered three logs, two uncut lace agates, some bones, two budles of cloth, and a steel bar. I hope she makes something valuable rather than something like a toy boat or something.

14th Moonstone
A snatcher was found in the cage traps today, I told everyone to be careful knowing what has happened in times past.

16th Moonstone
More snatchers found, I’m tempted to just batten down the hatches.

17th Moonstone
Mothkat has now become a champion in swordsmanship. We held another party in his honor.

20th Moonstone
Inod has finished her artifact. It’s a very nice birchen scepter that could go well with the crown that was made before, though the elves probably wouldn’t like it.

21st Moonstone
Vabok found a snatcher while he was patrolling briefly outside. He smashed it upside the head knocking it unconscious. He then preceded to fire bolts as it lay there, killing it. As he came back he found another one and promptly smashed it hand making it drop its dagger. Just as he fired a bolt at the retreating goblin another bolt came from Oddom, not the baron, who was patrolling in the tower. Vabok’s bolts took the goblin in the gut while Obbom’s thudded into the goblin’s leg. A few more bolts and the goblin lay dead.

24th Moonstone
“Ambush!” Came the call from outside. I rushed to the tower to see Fath running for his life with a goblin wrestler right behind him. The marksdwarves began opening fire but the goblin was surprisingly nimble. They managed to get a bolt into its chest and it perished soon after. We can see its fellows in the distance; this could be an opportunity to test the outer courtyard.

26th Moonstone
We captured the other goblins in the ambush within the outer courtyard. The marksdwarves promptly rained bolts upon them. When cleanup proceeds we’ll put a melee squad out there to cover the haulers.

28th Moonstone
Another ambush, this time they have four bow users. Oddly enough the ran after a cat that was outside first exposing them. Then they came into the courtyard not realizing that there were dwarves in the tower. We killed three goblins before they retreated. We will station military out there to protect everyone as they clean up.

4th Obsidian
A dry moat has been dug along the outside and inside of the courtyards to hopefully “catch” goblins flung by the bridges as seen in the past. Clean up is done as well so everyone is withdrawing right now.

17th Obsidian
I let Mothkat’s squad spar against three beak dogs, the dogs didn’t last long. I will set up more for them to train against. The nice thing about these dogs is that they don’t leave a lot of equipment behind.


Rating Bloodline:Dathaecamo(userpay)